There are four types of forces in the entire universe known to man: the gravitational force, the electromagnetic force, the strong and the weak nuclear forces. Imagine a fifth type of force, much stronger than the rest. It is called the force field. It is a thin sheet but invisible barrier that prevents any rockets or lasers to penetrate it. It is not that simple that someone scientist will announce that the force fields have been created. If we could build one then the army would have an impenetrable sheet or a barrier that will prevent any kind of missiles or bullets to penetrate. We could build skyscrapers taller than ever using this. The buildings built would be unharmed by the natural forces like the wind, storm and the rain. It could replace every building material. We could build huge architectural structure like flyovers, bridges, huge buildings in just a click of a button. We can even create cities under oceans, in deserts, or in any place we like. The force fields can create an absolute vacuum. It could be used to build the tunnel of the gravity train (refer to previous article) and keep the hot magma out.
Yet it is one of the most difficult things to create in a laboratory, some scientists say that it is almost impossible.
In 1995 a plasma window was created, something like the force fields. When we heat a solid we get a liquid, then a gas. If we superheat the gas what we get is plasma. A particular gas can be heated to create plasma then by using magnetic field t can be shaped according to our need. For example, a sheet or like a window. The plasma can keep out the air to create a complete vacuum. The plasma window created was no bigger than 3ft in diameter. Thus creating it in larger volume is quite difficult. The plasma window can keep down the pressure from all directions, in this case the air from the outside. Nowadays wielding is done by using acetylene gas which melts the wielding rods to join metals. But electron wielding is done in vacuum by firing electrons. It is a much cheaper and more efficient way. But it requires a vacuum. That is where force fields and plasma windows come in handy.
But why aren’t we building a plasma window when it’s already create in the lab?
Because it requires a lot of electricity to keep the temperature of the plasma to a certain degree. The electrical energy cost outruns the savings or the benefit we get from it. Thus it does not find any its place in practice. If we can somehow manage to get free electricity from a renewable source or in a very cheap price we can overcome architectural challenges in just a click of a button.
Invisible Woman from Fantastic4 uses the force field to safeguard herself