Sunday, November 28, 2010

What will happen if we travel at the speed of light?

Is it really possible to travel at ht e speed of light?

How can we travel at the velocity of light?
Well, it requires a lot of energy and a constant force to keep a body accelerating. It has been found that the only possible source of this kind of energy may be the gravitational field of the Black Hole. It has the highest density ever known in the universe. It is so dense that even light cannot escape from it. That is why it is called 'Black'. The minimum velocity for a particle to break the earth's gravitational field is around 12km/sec. But for a black hole it is more than that of the velocity of light. Imagine you are standing on the black hole (which is not possible, as you would be vaporised) and you light a candle, you could see the light from the candle radiating out and coming down like a projectile. If a spaceship be built that can circle the black hole, then by using its cenrifeugal force one can slingshot at the velocity of light.

What will happen if we travel at the velocity of light?
Light, the fastest thing in the universe travels at a velocity of 186,000miles/sec or 3*10^8m/s. Time and velocity are very much related. Nature prevents us to travel faster than the speed of light. But if some kind of transport (for eg: a train) be built that will travel nearly at the speed of light we will be able to slow down time. It has been calculated, if one can travel at 90% velocity of light, one hour on earth will seen to be 2 in that transport. That is time will be halved. So we are travelling in time somehow. But let us consider this situation: a train that travels at 99.9999% velocity of light (if so, it would circle the earth 7 times a second) let a person run at a certain velocity on that train. Then the velocity of the person will add up. Then also the person cannot cross the light speed. In fact that person will slow down or will run in slow motion (to the observer only) which will prevent him from crossing the light barrier. The faster he wants to travel the slower he gets. If one can equal the velocity of light then time will stop for that person. If someone travels on that transport for a year, then he/she will go into the future without ageing. This is how time travel is possible.

Human being have broken the sound barrier much earlier. But can they overcome the light velocity?

Will time travel be possible?

Can we meet the people 500 years from now?

How space and time is related

This is approximately what you will see if you travel at light's speed


  1. well..dats rly intrstng... enrchd my knwldge mch..ya its tru dt i ddnt undrstnd d whle of it bt wtevr i rly roused my intrst. mst se dt m proud 2 hv a genius bro lyk u!!!!

  2. awsm man....shoppy u r a gem....such intensified thinking and vast knwldge abt diff topics is really hghly creditable.......keep on thnking deeply and kp n sharin wd us buddy.....i gained a lot 4m here...thnx 4 dat...-siddhanta

    n ya n d topic i guess standing on the present platform of science....its difficlt to fly a vehicle havin mac no> i guess 2 ans ur lst 3 qstns,sc. needs i guess these facts and phenomenas wl unfld and surrender to sc...tho creatin mre new thngs 2 dscvr.....n ya vei nycly wrtn.......n kp n writin n in4mng.:D

  3. its not that that difficult to attain a velocity gr8tr thn speed recornd is 1227kmph..nw its goin 2 b broken to a staggering 1600kmph...silent bombers fly at a speed more than 3mach
