Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Big Bang and its after effects

Everything on the universe has to be born to live on it. Babies are born cute, pleasant and soft. But our universe was born in a little different way. It was the largest explosion ever recorded in all time. Just like the babies the universe was small, smaller than even a proton (a sub-atomic particle).

Time began with the beginning of the universe. If someone says that what was there before the Big Bang? Time started from it. The whole mass of the entire universe was concentrated in a mass no bigger than a proton. It was in a temperature of 1032 oC. In one (trillion trillion trillion trillion)th of a second the universe expanded rapidly with a huge explosion. The temperature dropped rapidly to 1027 oC. Now the quarks (sub atomic particles) were formed. After a minute the light nuclei hydrogen, helium atoms were born. Time passed and newer atoms started to form. After 397,000 years the temperature stabilized to 2390K.The Universe was now somewhat stable. Shattering into a trillion pieces it made the galaxies (cluster of billion stars). Slowly and slowly the stars in the galaxies cooled and in a few million years formed planets. These planets took some another million years to solidify from a burning gas ball to a solid mass.

But in all the destructive explosions and vaporizing heat how was the delicate life created?
It is predicted that when the planets cooled down various protons, neutrons, electrons fused together to form different atoms. Nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen, carbon etc. by random collisions formed different molecules. Amino acids were created: the carriers of life. That is the way some life like algae and some bacteria were created. Time to time the smaller species evolved and with mutations gave rise to the newer ones.

….this is the way we stand here. Our lives are hanging in a balance. A little change in our surrounding atmosphere may result in the loss of a billion lives.
In this destructive universe we are not alone…we are not the only one. It’s not we who are exploring it…

…Someone’s always watching

1 comment:

  1. gr8 knwldge...awsm n sharin buddy......w8ng 4 mre 2 cum.:D
